Monday, March 20, 2006

The chapel

Math exam. As I gather sheets with hastily scribbled formulae for a last minute cram, gulit overpowers me. Guilt. I start to panic. Funny, isn't it? A mere exam does that to me. Guilt. It's all my mistake.. Give it an hour. I am at perfect peace with the world. Silence prevails. I place my bag on the bench and kneel on the wooden plank below. The room, I observe, has two other girls doing the same. With a glimpse of the cross before me, I close my eyes.What a pleasant feeling! I am drifting away. Where, I know not. I see nothing but the cross..Christ nailed to the cross. I dare not look at him. I do not have the right to ask a favour. It was my mistake. A whole year spent in frolic. Guilty again. With a sudden rush of understanding, I take my bag and walk away, stopping only for a sprinkle of the Holy Water placed in a corner, a sheet of formulae crumpled in my fist. I got the message. Guilt cannot be washed away in the church. I know what I have to do to get rid of the guilt before my next exam. Alas, as I walk towards the exam room, I can only hope that the one night stand with my textbook will fetch me a neat little 60. Moral : Never visit the chapel on the day of your exam.


Anonymous said...

Uh-huh..thanks for the warning. I'll never go to the church again ;)

Anonymous said...

ha ha.nice one...but goin to d church or temple really helps...calms me atleast.

Anonymous said...

ha ha.nice one...but goin to d church or temple really helps...calms me atleast.

Anonymous said...

ok now pardon tat mistake!

Anonymous said...

Religion goes only so far in helping you girl..Think up other ways to shed guilt. a huge tankard of beer maybe? :p